Thursday, March 26, 2009

The new H+ method of hair transplantation


By Dr. Patrick Treacy

Until recently, most patients requiring treatment had to undergo invasive strip surgery (removing part of the scalp during an operation). As a result of the obvious physical limitations of this invasive procedure, many were allowed to go almost totally bald before they could be treated. A lot of these newer techniques have been perfected in Dublin. Rejuvenate Magazine spoke with Dr. Patrick Treacy about the option of the new H+ method of hair transplantation.

Over the past few years unit follicular hair transplant has emerged as the most reliable hair transplant procedure of hair transplantation surgery. As the name suggests, the graft in this case consists of a single follicular unit as it exists in nature. The follicular unit contains sebaceous glands as well as nerve and blood tissue. It is for this reason that it needs to be extracted as an intact unit and transplanted as an intact unit, to be able to grow into a hair. There are basically two types of technique.

1 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration procedure where hair is transplanted exclusively in its naturally occurring groups of 1-4 hairs. These groups, or follicular units, are obtained through the microscopic dissection of tissue taken from a single donor strip or extracted directly from the donor area.

Tell us more about androgenetic alopecia?

Which is the best hair restoration method?

You mentioned genes. How do they play a role in hair loss?

It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Large studies in 2005 and 2007 showed the importance of the maternal line in the inheritance of male pattern baldness. German researchers called the main 'balding' gene, 'ARG' or the androgen receptor gene. The presence or absence of a specific variant in this gene is related to baldness.

How common is this condition?

This is a good question. Studies show nearly all men have some baldness by the time they are in their 60s. However, the age the hair loss starts is variable. One large Australian study showed the prevalence of mid-frontal hair loss increases with age and affects about three in ten 30 year old males and half of 50 year old males.

With evolving techniques like the newer single hair follicle extraction technique, follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area (back of the head) and re-implanted with the unique patented devices. The H+ method is based on the use of genetic testing as a means of screening, the use of growth factors, 633nm light for fibroblast stimulation and the use of quality control during the hair transplant procedures. The hair transplant doctor needs only a single surgical assistant to help him during the follicle hair transplants. The procedure also ensures maximum care to the grafts. The hair transplant doctor can decide upon the exact number of grafts to be removed while he is removing them one-by-one.

Any other advantages with the H+ method?

What are the medical treatments available?

Another advantage of the H- transplant procedure is that it allows the hair transplant surgeon to extract as many grafts as is actually needed and on average, we usually extract and place 3,000-5,000 hairs per day. Bandaging is not necessary following the procedure, allowing the patient to leave the clinic looking just as they did on entering. Unlike the 'strip' technique, there is no scarring with the H+ method and a patient can shave his head or wear all the current cuts and styles. In addition, there is also no waiting period between H+ procedures and hair from all over the body can be used.

Tell me something about hair transplantation?

How many sessions will be necessary before hair restoration is complete after the H+ method?

When did hair transplantation begin?

Modern hair transplantation began in the 1950s based upon the pioneering work of New York dermatologist Dr. Norman Orentreich. According to medical myth, he was doing a study on vitiligo, transferring 4 mm punch skin grafts in an attempt to determine whether vitiligo was "donor" or "recipient" area dominant. The patient noted that a punch graft that had been taken from a hair-bearing area, grew hair, after it was placed into a non-hair-bearing area. Previously it had been thought that transplanted hair would thrive no more than the original hair at the "recipient" site.

Why did transplants by 'punching' stop?

Because the H+ technique may continue to place hair over a longer period we have decided to allow patients to join a 'Samson' club. This means they can contribute about 25 per week for six months and we will provide interest free financing to cover the rest of the cost. Plans usually this run over a 3-5 year period making it very easy for the patient to finally achieve his aesthetic goals

Can you explain the 'minigrafts' and micrografts technique?

In the late 1980s, Limmer introduced the use of the stereo-microscope to dissect a single donor strip into small micrografts. Micrografts usually consist of one or two hairs per graft and 'minigrafts' contain 3-8 hairs per graft. These smaller grafts, when properly placed, provided a more natural, less abrupt appearing hairline in contrast to other methods. However, they could also contain up to 12 hairs producing a bulky tufted appearance leading to a 'doll's head', or 'toothbrush' effect.

What is the most popular technique?

During the past few years, follicular unit transplant grafts (FUT) have become popular due to a more natural effect. Follicular units were first described in the medical literature by Headington in 1984. Follicular Unit Transplantation has its roots in the single-strip harvesting method and microscopic graft dissection technique developed by Dr. Bobby Limmer in the late 1980s and published in 1994. In 1995, Bernstein and Rassman published the first paper on "Follicular Unit Transplantation," where hair is transplanted exclusively in naturally occurring groups of 1-4 hairs.

What do you mean by the 'strip' technique?

The strip method is really an invasive surgical procedure requiring the attendance of a plastic surgeon and general anaesthesia. During the procedure, a long strip of scalp, approximately 20- 25 cm in length and 1 cm to 2.5 cm in width of hair-bearing skin is removed from the donor area using a scalpel, cutting through nerves and major blood vessels of the scalp. The donor area is then sutured (stitched) closed and approximately 30 days are required for full healing. In order to avoid stretching of the donor scar, two layers of donor stitches must be used and left in the skin for at least two weeks.

What are the problems with the strip technique?

. Should a patient shave their hair short in the donor area, a line or scar will always be visible. A patient forever gives up the option to shave their head or have a short haircut after a strip procedure. Although there are many good proceduralists of this technique, I personally would consider 'strip surgery' an out-dated procedure.

What are the problems do you have with the strip technique?

The patient can develop scarring or neurological problems of sensation in the back of the head post procedure. Another disadvantage of strip extraction is that the patient has to wait nine months for the area to heal fully before considering or being able to undergo a second procedure

1 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration procedure where hair is taken from a single donor strip or extracted directly from the donor area.

Follicular unit extraction is simple and painless, with the donor area healing within 2-4 days as compared to 7-8 days required for follicular hair transplants using the graft extraction technique. There is also no risk of nerve damage being caused by the hair transplant procedure.

What is the best hair transplant method?

2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) does not require a donor strip to be excised from the donor area and therefore does not involve any dissection of follicular units.

In your opinion which is the best method?

The H+ method is based on the use of genetic testing as a means of screening, the use of growth factors, 633nm light for fibroblast stimulation and the use of quality control during the hair transplant procedures. The hair transplant doctor needs only a single surgical assistant to help him during the follicle hair transplants. The procedure also ensures maximum care to the grafts. The hair transplant doctor can decide upon the exact number of grafts to be removed while he is removing them one-by-one.

What is the H+ transplant method?

One advantage of the H- transplant procedure is that it allows the hair transplant surgeon to extract as many grafts as is actually needed and on average, we usually extract and place 3,000-5,000 hairs per day.

Tell me about the advantages of the H+ method?

There is also no waiting period between H+ procedures and hair from all over the body can be used. Body hair follicular grafts have shown growth patterns similar to head hair with no difference in texture but are usually used for enhancing the density in the posterior region of the scalp rather than the hair line.

How many sessions are required for the H+ method?

Because the H+ technique may continue to place hair over a longer period we have decided to allow patients to join a 'Samson' club. This means they can contribute about 25 per week for six months and we will provide interest free financing to cover the rest of the cost. Plans usually this run over a 3-5 year period making it very easy for the patient to finally achieve his aesthetic goals.

What is the price of the H+ hair transplant technique?

Is the H+ technique expensive?

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