Sunday, November 30, 2008

Breast Reduction Cosmetic Surgery

If you are considering breast reduction cosmetic surgery or reduction mammoplasty, it is designed for women who experience medical problems due to uncomfortably large breasts. Problems may include back and neck pain, skin irritation, skeletal deformities, and breathing problems. Although the procedure is typically used to alleviate medical problems, it can also help women who feel self-conscious about the size of their breasts.
When Less Is More: The Complete Guide for Women Considering Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is performed in a hospital or surgery center as an outpatient or with an overnight stay. The most common procedure involves the surgeon removing excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin and adjusts the nipple to its new position. Not only is the breast reduced in size, but it is lifted and reshaped as well. The procedure itself takes approximately two hours and is done under a general anesthetic

Once the surgery is complete, a surgical bra is worn to provide comfort and support. Marena Surgical Bra with 2" Elastic Band (F5 Certified Compression Garment)

Drains are removed the morning after surgery. Stitches are buried and will dissolve on their own. There will be some scaring, with patients that smoke the scaring might be more apparent. Kelo-cote Scar Gel

It is advised to stop smoking 2 weeks prior to surgery. Patients may experience minor pain in the days following the surgery, although this subsides in 7 to 10 days. Most women can return to work after two weeks following their breast reduction.

How much does it cost? It varies from doctor to doctor. Check local websites for costs and payment information. Does insurance cover a breast reduction? Again contact your local doctor. I was told you have to take a pound out of each breast to be considered for insurance coverage. In 1990, my reduction was covered because my family physician recommended the procedure due to my back problems.

Just remember there are local plastic surgeons that aren't as qualified as they claim to be. One tell-tale sign that your plastic surgeon knows what he is doing is that he is properly board certified. Obtaining a board certification for plastic surgery means that he or she has undergone the right level of education and is now properly certified as such. If your plastic surgeon is certified in general medicine, dentistry or some other discipline, move on.
The Essential Cosmetic Surgery Companion: Don't Consult a Cosmetic Surgeon Without This Book!

You'll benefit the most from working with a plastic surgeon who not only has the credentials and experience that bring great results, but also with whom you can comfortably communicate. If you can express your goals and concerns with ease, and receive realistic options and answers in return, you are destined for success with your breast reduction surgery.

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